
Contributed By: Kay Davis


1 flank steak (about 2 pounds)
1/2 cup red wine vinegar
1/2 cup beer
2 tablespoons olive oil
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 onion, coarsely chopped
1 large potato
2 carrots
Salt and pepper
6 coarsely chopped anaheim chiles, roasted and seeded
4 slices raw bacon, cut into 1/4-inch strips
1 bay leaf


Marinate the steak in the vinegar, beer, oil, garlic and half the onion for
at least 3 hours or overnight.

Remove the steak (reserving the marinade) and place between two sheets of
plastic wrap. Flatten slightly with a meat pounder.

Using a vegetable peeler, slice the potatoes (with their jackets) and
carrots into long, thin strips.

Remove the top sheet of plastic. Salt and pepper the top side of the beef to
taste. Place a layer of chiles on top, then a layer of potatoes, then a layer
of carrots. Roll up the steak, jelly-roll fashion and tie with kitchen twine.

In a heavy Dutch oven or casserole, brown the bacon; when cooked, remove and
set aside. In the very hot bacon fat, add the rolled steak and brown on all
sides. Return the bacon to the pan with the remaining onions, bay leaf and
marinade. Add 1 to 2 cups water, cover and simmer for two hours, turning
every 1/2 hour (adding more water if necessary). Taste the broth before
serving, adding more seasonings to taste. (Note: you may also use beef or
chicken stock, or red wine, or a combination.)

To serve, slice the roll into 3/4 inch widths and serve each with some of the

Helpful Hints:

Recipe from Argentina
Serves 6

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