
Contributed By: Robert M


1/2 lb wallnuts
1 - 375 gram currants
1 bag seeded raisins (750 gram
1 bag seedless raisins (750 gram)
1 pkg dates (cut up fine)
4 pineapple rings (cut up small)
1 - 315 mg bottle red cherries (drain) - cut up fine
1 - 315 mg green cherries (drain) - cut up fine

4 cups whole wheat flour
6 eggs
1 cup margarine
1 cup jam (freezer jam)
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp ground cloves
1 tsp allspice
1 tsp mixed spice
1 tsp salt
2 tsp soda (dissolve in 3 tbsp water)
1 cup strong coffee ( I use perked coffee)


In large roast pan stir the following ingredients together:

1/2 lb wallnuts
1 - 375 gram currants
1 bag seeded raisins (750 gram
1 bag seedless raisins (750 gram)
1 pkg dates (cut up fine)
4 pineapple rings (cut up small)
1 - 315 mg bottle red cherries (drain) - cut up fine
1 - 315 mg green cherries (drain) - cut up fine

Add all the following ingredients together and stir:

4 cups whole wheat flour
6 eggs
1 cup margarine
1 cup jam (freezer jam)
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp ground cloves
1 tsp allspice
1 tsp mixed spice
1 tsp salt
2 tsp soda (dissolve in 3 tbsp water)
1 cup strong coffee ( I use perked coffee)

Add the above to your fruit mixture and stir everything together really well

Grease loaf pans - line with wax paper - then grease wax paper

Fill small loaf pans 3/4 full - You will get 11 to 12 fruit cakes

Steam fruitcakes 1 1/2 hour

Cook at 300F for 35 minutes (I put foil around pans)

Steam fruitcakes in square roast pans.
Put racks in pans and bring water up to bottom of racks.
Start steaming first pan on left burners.
Turn burners to high: when water is ready put in fruitcakes and cover with foil.
Turn front burner down to 6 and back to 7.

When first pan has steamed for 20 minutes turn on right burners to high.
When water is ready put in fruitcakes and cover with foil.
Turn front burner to about 8 and back to about 7.

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